Series EC Cooling Tower

EvapTech Series EC cooling towers are induced draft, counterflow towers custom designed to meet your requirements for cost, footprint, power consumption and pumphead. For information about how we can meet your specific cooling tower requirements, please contact EvapTech at newtowers@evaptech.com. The following counterflow tower components and options are outlined below:
Counterflow Tower Cross Section
Counterflow Tower Arrangement
A variety of counterflow tower layouts are available to meet the unique plot requirements of each individual project. An in-line tower is the standard layout for efficiency reasons, but parallel in-line, back-to-back, and round configurations are also options when the plot plan requires a different approach. Click on the layouts below for more information, and contact EvapTech at newtowers@evaptech.com for guidance on meeting the challenges of your project layout.
In-Line Arrangement
The most efficient and cost effective approach to tower design. Constructing the tower in a linear fashion provides the arrangement with the least parasitic power consumption, including reduced fan energy consumption and lowest pumping head. By providing efficient entering air access, the tower height and cost is minimized.
Back-to-Back Arrangement
When dictated by site constraints, a back-to-back tower configuration can fit within site limitations not possible with an in-line arrangement. However, reduced thermal efficiency and added cost result from a cooling tower arranged in a back-to-back configuration with both increased fan energy and substantially increased pumping head.
Parallel In-line Arrangement
When dictated by site constraints that would not allow a long single tower in-line arrangement, why not consider splitting the tower into two or more units arranged in a parallel in-line configuration. Although the overall tower footprint is wider than that made possible by utilizing a back-to-back configuration, consider the advantages:
- Substantially reduced tower pumping head by splitting the air inlet area between two tower faces
- Substantially reduced tower cost made possible by a reduced tower height and gained efficiency
- Reduced fan energy by regaining lost efficiency with two air inlets
- Reduced installed length by utilizing the area between towers for pump pits, MCC, piping, and access provisions
- More reliable thermal capacity by cutting the air draw through the falling water in half
- Easier maintenance and staged operation by providing the facility with easily isolated towers
Round Configuration
When site restrictions dictate truly thinking outside the counterflow "box", a round configuration may provide the right solution for your challenging project site.
Counterflow Tower Structure
The vast majority of new counterflow towers are constructed of fire retardant fiberglass because of its high strength and fire/corrosion resistive properties. EvapTech's Newton, IL facility manufactures these pultruded parts, allowing superior quality and lead time control. Learn more about EvapTech manufacturing here. Treated wood and concrete structures are also available materials. Click on the materials below for more information and contact EvapTech for guidance on the best material for your particular application at newtowers@evaptech.com.
Series EC: Pultruded Fiberglass
The standard of the industry and the material demanded by most new cooling tower purchasers. But not all FRP frames are created equal, in design or material quality.
Pultruded FRP 's strength is unidirectional and our superior designs utilize line-of-action force distribution of wind and seismic loads.
EvapTech is the only cooling tower company to manufacture our own pultrusions in our state of the art factory in Newton, Illinois. This enables EvapTech to design component strength properties to match the requirements of our frame layout, all of which is verified by rigorous component physical testing activities.
Customers should demand quality fiberglass components that are made in the U.S.A.
Series ECW: Douglas Fir & Redwood
Although rare, timber framed cooling towers remain available for use where the absolute lowest cost outweighs the longevity of fiberglass framed cooling towers. Wood framed towers are available in treated Douglas Fir and various grades of redwood.
EvapTech maximizes the potential of timber framed towers by utilizing FRP for critical framing components including structural connectors and distribution header supports.
Optional upgrades create hybrid towers to enhance safety and longevity with fiberglass upgrades of critical fan deck and stairway components.
Series ECC: Concrete Counterflow
Counterflow Tower Fill
EvapTech provides a variety of counterflow fills to meet all customer's individual needs. Selecting the correct fill is a balancing act of thermal efficiency and fouling resistance. Click on the fills listed below for more information and contact EvapTech for guidance on selecting the correct fill for your application at newtowers@evaptech.com.
TechClean Fill Family
The TechClean Family of vertically offset flute fill products were optimized for highly efficient thermal performance with a substantially reduced propensity to foul. TechClean's higher allowable TSS and microbial limits allow operation with higher concentration multiples and a corresponding blowdown reduction to substantially reduce water consumption. In stark contrast to competitive high fouling cross corrugated designs, Evaptech's standard TechClean fill product offers exceptional thermal performance along with trouble free operation.
VertiClean fill was developed to specifically address those applications where high circulating water contaminant levels would lead to unacceptable fouling potential in either cross corrugated or vertically offset flute fills. VertiClean has vertically oriented flutes throughout its air travel to assure the most effective fouling resistance while its textured sheets retain reasonable thermal efficiency and low pump head when compared to splash fill alternatives.
On the rare occasion that plot plan is critical and very clean water conditions exist, EvaPak fill may be the appropriate fill choice. Cross corrugated in design and tight spaced to maximize surface area EvaPak is the highest efficiency fill product available per unit volume; but heat transfer comes at the expense of high pressure drop and parasitic power consumption.
Counterflow Tower Drift Eliminators
EvapTech's DriAir80 drift eliminators represent the BACT (Best Available Control Technology) in cooling tower drift eliminators, limiting drift rates to as low as 0.0005%. Click on the eliminator models below for more information on EvapTech's drift eliminators, or contact newtowers@evaptech.com.
DriAir Drift Eliminators
Drift rates as low as 0.0005% can be achieved with this state of the art drift eliminator. DriAir 80 and DriAir120 eliminators have tight spaced surfaces to achieve exceptional drift performance and highly efficient air paths to minimize pressure losses.
Counterflow Tower Water Distribution
Evenly distributed water is key to a cooling tower's thermal performance. EvapTech engineers the distribution system to meet the requirements of each application for maximum thermal performance with minimized operating pump head. Click on the links below and contact EvapTech at newtowers@evaptech.com for more information on the water distribution systems and custom options.
EvapJet II Spray Nozzle
The EvapTech water distribution system's foundations are based upon the patented EvapJet II spray nozzle providing a unique approach to counterflow water distribution with its filled cone spray pattern. Unlike typical hollow cone distribution systems that rely upon splash plates to create crossover between nozzles, the EvapJet II system's dynamic flow pattern based upon advanced fluidic motion creates complete coverage beneath each nozzle. Combined with its high quality ABS construction and low pressure drop, the EvapJet II nozzle represents the most advanced nozzle technology in the industry.
Cooling Tower Mechanical Equipment
The ability of a mechanical draft cooling tower to efficiently and reliably transfer waste heat is entirely dependent upon the reliability of the mechanical equipment package. Therefore EvapTech provides fans, gearboxes, driveshafts and motors from a select group of equipment suppliers specializing in top quality mechanical components to assure exceptional reliability and thermal performance. Read about EvapTech's mechanical equipment support system below and contact EvapTech at newtowers@evaptech.com for more information on mechanical equipment. Browse the EvapTech Parts page for more information on our suppliers.
Mechanical Equipment Support
Equally as important as the mechanical component selection, equipment support design utilizing a properly sized round torque tube to effectively restrain rotational dynamic loads is essential to assuring the longevity of these costly and critical tower components. The devil is in the details and the design details of support bracing and its attachment to the tower structure will determine if the support effectively restrains rotational and vibration loads.
Support Sizing - EvapTech properly sizes the torque tube for the fan diameter and applied horsepower - Flexing of undersized supports is a common cause of reduced gear, motor, and driveshaft operating life.
Support Design - Equipment mounting plates braced against movement in all directions - simple bent plates welded to the tube do not provide the rigidity required by the driveshaft and will ultimately lead to failure of the shaft and gear/motor bearings.
Positive Positioning - Jack bolts are provided for ease of alignment and assure properly secured motor and gear placement - do not rely upon a simple spiral pin to maintain alignment during numerous start/stop cycles.
Structural Attachment - Torque tube loading must be applied directly to the tower's vertical column framing with steel plates bolted directly from the support to vertical framing members - never allow horizontal framing members, plastic gromments, or hollow leg fan deck panels sandwiched between the support and tower framing to be used to transmit loads.
Vibration Bracing - Diagonal bracing immediately below the supports transmits and spreads loads into the surrounding structure - Both pultruded fiberglass and timber are unidirectional strength materials, anticipating that vibration loading will be adequately restrained by moment loading of these members will result in a substantially reduced life cycle of mechanical components.
Counterflow Tower Upgrades
In order to meet our clients' custom needs and requirements, EvapTech offers a wide variety of tower upgrades designed to improve safety, matinenance access and aesthetics. Click on the options below to learn more and contact EvapTech at newtowers@evaptech.com for more information.
SafeLift™ Equipment Handling Packages
Whether you want to lift tools, oil, or mechanical equipment components from grade to the fan deck, EvapTech has an option available to meet the need safely.
SafeRoute™ Cable Tray Supports
Eliminate trip hazards and fan deck clutter with EvapTech supplied and installed externally mounted cable tray supports.
Plenum Area Walkways
With this upgrade access to the mechanical equipment is quick, convenient, and without the need to remove the fan cylinder access door. When installed in combination with the EvapPad™ gear access platform this system provides exceptional mechanical access for routine inspection and maintenance.
Removable Aluminum Catwalk
Providing safe, convenient, and portable fan deck access to the mechanical equipment. The removable catwalk safely transports workers to either the OSHA tie-off location at the gear or to the optional EvapPad™ access platform to perform routine inspection and maintenance of mechanical components.
EvapPad™ Access Platform
WST™ Cellular Inlet Louvers
EvapTech’s Water and Sight Tight cellular inlet louvers offer exceptional water containment while blocking sunlight from reaching the circulating water to help reduced chemical consumption. In addition to being easily removable without tools, WST louvers can be fitted with framed access doors to ease routine inspection. Commonly provided on HVAC projects, WST louvers offer owners a highly desirable clean aesthetic appearance.
Grade Piping, Inlet Risers and Supports
EvapTech designers can properly design and supply above grade plant piping to fit your project needs in state of the art fiberglass construction. Consider single point connection of your next cooling tower.
Grade header, risers, riser sway braces, isolation valves, and expansion joint options shown.
Collection Basin Bypass Piping
Winter operation requires direct bypass into the collection basin? Allow EvapTech to design and install the correct piping to interface with your system and the cooling tower structure.
Enclosed Stairway
Take safety to an elevated level by upgrading to an enclosed stairway. For those in freezing climates this can be a critical maintenance upgrade.